Hello everyone :) Well, this week wasn't that exciting. We met some people, that don't seem very interested, but we are gonna change that after talking about Cristo a little bit more :)
Well, this week Sheila and Gleyce came to church yesterday and we had a lesson with them too :) They are so great, but something came up with Gleyce... so we can't visit her or her mom is going to prohibit her from going to church. She can go and learn.. but if anyone from the church goes to her house... she can't go to church anymore. soooo sad... she's so great and loves the church..... so we´ll have to see what happens in the future.
Well, also... yesterday at church when we were coming in... I saw Adelino and went to say Hi to him... when I saw what he was wearing I almost fainted of happiness. He was all fancied up in a suit, tie, fancy shoes, man... he looked like a real member. He was a little embarrassed, but man.... it was so amazing to see him making a complete 360 in his life.... literally... he looks and acts like a respectful young man with the PRIESTHOOD!!! He also was ordained to the Melquesideque Priesthood :) Im so proud of him :)
We are also teaching his cousin, Antonio, who is older... like 50, but they are almost exactly the same. We are working with him now.. but it's hard cuz he is only available Saturday nights..... so he can't progress fast... but he is already progressing over these last 3 weeks :)
we also met a lady, Rosa, and her daughter, Eudélia, who seem interested..... just that they are members of another church.. but they don't really like it... so we are gonna help them. Rosa also has a grandson that loves to visit other churches cuz he is looking for one that he feels is right...... well, what's more right than the Church of Jesus Christ?....... :)
Well..... so yeah, that's basically been it this week. 11 MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and sister Rabelo made 1 month on the mission on the 30th, so we bought some pizza to celebrate and we had some ice cream for my 11 months with the zone :)
Well, I love you all and I hope that you guys continue looking to Christ and follow His example. I have a quote by President Howard W. Hunter:
"If our lives and our faith are centered upon Jesus Christ and His restored gospel, nothing can ever go permanently wrong. On the other hand, if our lives are not centered on the Savior and His teachings, no other success can ever be permanently right"
Remember this quote and keep Him in your lives :)
Love you all and until next week!!!!
Love, Sister Ferguson

-pics with some of the youth in the ward
-Sheila and Gleyce with Sheilas son, Kelvin.
Me and Elder Oto doing a move in our dance that we always do
-Our district :) Sister Rabelo, Me, Sister Brandão, and Sister Ramon, with Elder Casciano and Santana in the back... Casciano is with the glasses.
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