Man... is it cooold!!!! It's getting pretty cold here... it was suuuper hot this week and now today and tomorrow are gonna be in the 30s in farenheit. Man.... what a difference. But.... i'm excited :)
So, this week was super fun and we were able to meet some cool people... even though they didn't go to church... but they seem like they have some real potential :) There's Alan, who is suuuuper cool and was super welcoming. Also, Larissa, who said that she has been waiting and looking for an answer from God to help her with some problems she is having and said that we were that answer...... no I'm not crying........ and also João. He is suuuper interested and was asking a whole bunch of questions :) I am so excited for them cuz they all are such great people and have some great potential too :)
So also this week we had a PARTY!!!!! FES-TA FES-TA FES-TA!!! It was pretty great :) There is a holiday here called São João or Junina that celebrates the pioneers or the settlers here in Brasil :) I'm pretty sure that's what it's about... i don't really understand the holidays here..... but if i get to party... it's all good with me :) So we had that and had a blast. Sister Rabelo was crazy!! She loves this holiday soooo much :)
Also this week we had Sister Whitehead and Sister Favorito, or Sister Souza, come over cuz their house is being refurnished, so they partied at our place this week :) But then the party shortly ended when the Sister Training Leaders came over.... just kidding :P But they came over too, so this week there were 6 sisters at our apartment :) It was great :) We had french toast and pop and just got real fat and then danced it all off to mission music :)
So with the divisions we did with the Sisters, it was real good :) I learned so much :) I thought that I was training Sister Rabelo totally wrong and that I'm not progressing in my teaching skills, but the STL told me how I was doing and that I am doing everything fine :) So that was good to hear :)
Well... that's basically all that has happened this week. We talked to Gleice and Vitória and they are gonna be baptized this week :) Vitória Friday and Gleice Saturday :)
Well, I love you lots and I hope you all have a great week :) Thank you for all your love and support and if you need any... I'm here for ya.. also your Heavenly Father too :) LOVE YOU ALL!!!!
Com Amor,
Sister Ferguson
Shiela's Batismo!
-our pizza we bought that was suuuper delicios and cheap :)
-Sister Favorito being herself in the blanket
- the festa at the ward. Pics with Devanir, Fabiana and her husband Eduardo
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