Hello Everybody!!!!!!
Well, this week was not very exciting, I know I say this every letter, but we havent been having a lot of luck with pesquisadores. We also didnt work a lot this week cuz of transfers, which I am in the same area and am still with Sister Leite :) Since where I live is right next to the Rodoviaria we had to pick up every sister missionary that was either being transferred or just there to pick up another sister. There were so many missionaries there. So many people that I have not met yet. Oh, and Teixeira went home early. Her back was really bad and she couldnt work, and Sister Santos is going home next week. She has a really bad back too and cant work. So sad to see them leave :(
Anyways, not much happened with people.... we made some contacts and found some poeple that were cool and interested, but they didnt wanna learn more. So, because I didnt have a lot of experiences with them, I only have little things that we did this week.
So first, I tried this suco, which was really good, Cana De Açuca com Limão, Sugar cane juice. Real good, Walked forever trying to find a road that we already knew, just forgot the name, saw a guy running after another guy saying "Thats my DOG!!!" Another guy had a dog and was running with him... and his pants kept falling down. It was really funny. Leite could not stop laughing. XD
It has been really hot lately, and I got a little sick from the sun, but Im better now. I prayed for colder weather and well, its colder. :) My little Washington body cant handle this 120 degree weather. Oh I am the mother of all the dogs that are here. Whenever I see a dog on the street I always say, "Meu Filho!!". And yeah... not much. I have some pics of this excercise thing they have here for old people we played on. We saw a football game, and we rested at a members house for a little. :)
Well, love you all, gotta go. Hope you all have a wonderful Week!!!
Love- Sister Ferguson
Pitanga |
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