Well, wowee, this week was pretty crazy. It wasn't the most productive... but I have changed a lot spiritually :) This week was not very productive but man did I have some good study sessions in the morning with the companion :) There is a lot to say.... cuz I learned a bunch, I'm practically an apostle now cuz I learned so much, :P kkkkkkk but yeah. Let's just say that my mind is more open and I am even more ready to go and preach the gospel to the people here in Apucarana :)
Well, this week the weather was very confusing.... one day it was freezing and raining a bunch and then the next day it was suuuper hot.. then the next day rain again... real annoying. But it was good :) We are working with our pesquisadores still, Odair, who didn't go to church this week cuz he went to another church in Maringá.... so that was a bummer, but we are gonna help him. We marked a baptismal date for this Saturday, so, lets hope that he is still wanting to :)
We also tried to bring a dad and daughter to church this week, but when we got to their house they weren't there, so we started walking to the capela and saw him walking. He said that he went to go do something, but didn't say what it was... and that no one was home. We knew where he went and why... he just left the house to not be in the house when we pass by to get them.... he still didn't go... but he pinky promised to me and promised to God, so he better go right? :) But yeah...... that was a little disappointing, but that was basically the only thing that happned this week.
We had Pday together with the district and played card games. Each time someone lost they had to get foam in the face... which I lost..... so I got foam in the face... got some pics. We ate some ice cream this week too and had a good time trying to be happy with all the disappointing things goin on...... but I am happy still :)
Well, I love you all and am so happy to be here on the mission :) Thank you for all your love and support :) Hope you guys like the pics this week :) They'e not too exciting... but yeah :) Love you all and until next week!!!!!!
Com amor, Sister Ferguson
-ice cream with Elders Magalhães and J. Silva.

-Our district after the district meeting on Tuesday :)
-some masks mom sent for a halloween package
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