Sister Alvez is heading home! |
Hello Everybody!!! Man.. this week went by soooooooo fast. I feel like I was just writing last weeks email yesterday. Man.... so to be honest. I don't have much to say cuz we literally did nothing this week. Sister Alves, (also Sisters Bilhalva and Snow,) is dying or going home so she is already in her "Im not a missionary anymore" mindset and her knees have been killing her, so we just stayed inside all week. We only left for Almoço and when we wanted to get more food :P
Anyways, so yeah... not much. You guys remember the family that we were teaching? Michelle and Jerry? Well... they seemed promising, but they didn't come to church... they gave us the wrong numbers of their phones and we scheduled to meet with them again and when we got there they weren't home... 3 times we planned to talk to them again and each time they werent home.... so we are going to try to visit them again, just one more time... but yeah... they are not wanting to talk to us anymore... so yeah. That's sad. And we don't have anyone else cuz we didn't leave the apartment....
And.... well... not much more. Sorry I don't have a lot to say. Some small things happened like during church S
unday this guy came into church just cuz he wanted and we taught him about the plan of salvation and the restoration, but when I spoke he was so focused on how I was an American that he didnt listen and started talking about Trump and his wall, so that was annoying... but we continued to talk to him and teach about Christ... he seemed interested, so that's good :) He said he's gonna come back next week :)
Well... that's all that I have to say about this week. I'm sad that Sister Alves is leaving, but excited for her to start her life in the normal world :) Real exciting :) Oh and today is transfers, but Im staying in the same place, Cornelio Procopio and I have a new companheira!!! Sister Costas. She was in my group when I came here from the CTM, so I already know her :) She's awesome so I'm excited to work with her :)
Well. I love this gospel and I love my mission. My testimnoy is growin' sooo much here :) There is no doubt in my mind that this church is really the true church of Jesus Christ and that we can become more like Him through the words of the Prophets and Apostles of Christ that we have :) I love this gospel :) And if any of you have a desire to know this love and have a desire to know about this gospel... ask a member, ask me!!! Pray and ask Heavenly Father to help you :) Man... i just love this gospel :) And all you guys :)
Well, Love you all and will write to ya next week :)
and the video is from when I was in Quebec during a rain storm :)
TROY BOLTON hair from High School Musical |
Just the two of us! |
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