Hello Everyone!!! Man... this week was pretty crazy. Lots of new things happened.
So I got new companions!!! Sister Penni and Sister Alves. Penni is an American so that's cool :) Also we have a greenie in our apartmet. There's 5 sisters living together. Sister Tyson and Sister D. Nascimento are together and then us 3. They are all suuuuper cool :) They always are laughing and having a good time :) I love it here. So, on the lines of pesquisadores here, we had a baptism yesterday after church :) Jacó. Hes so amazing. He is always acting like he is really bashful and nervous, but man does he have a testimony. Penni Alves and another sister before transfers were working with him. He is just great :) He was really excited for his baptism. After the baptism we asked him how he felt and he said "Like a new creature" XD XD Not what we were expecting, but it was real funny. We have some other people to teach, like Vanessa and Tiago, Tereza, Ailton, who came to church yesterday, and Claudinea and Fam, her 5 kids too, which they all came to church too :) Real exciting. So this new area started out pretty good :) I do feel a little overwhelmed wth having to adjust how I teach and also brake wrong habits of speaking. Its kinda like I am starting my mission over again :P But its all good in the hood :)
So this new area is so hilly. Its kind of ridiculous. We walk maybe about 4 miles, but it feels like 100 cuz its all, up and down, up and down.... real annoying, but man my calves.... they are looking great. :P jkjkjk, but yeah... my legs are literally dead everyday when we get back home. But its totally worth it :)
Anywho.... that's basically it. New comps, new people, new ward, which the ward is pretty cool. There are so many kids... so many. Pretty sure they have to give some of the primary kids callings cuz they don't have enough adults in the ward. But yeah everyone was very friendly and very welcoming too :)
So saying goodbye to Sister Leite was a little hard, but I didn't bawl... just little tears :P I know I'm gonna see her again sometime, probs not during the mission, but afterwards yes :) I also saw SIster Whitehead!!! So last week I said that they are gonna be in my district, but I was wrong. We are in different groups or areas, different zones. So I won't be able to see them until a big group conference happens. I won't be able to see Leite cuz shes on the other side of the mission. Whitehead and Sadleir are in the same Zone, but not mee.... sad day, but I'm still close to them :) We meet at the head capela of the mission, so I get to receive new things every week like Livro de Mormons, Liahonas, scriptures, pamphlets, invites, everything we need :) SO thats pretty cool :)
Well.... I'm runnign out of time, so I'm gonna end here. I am so excited to be working here. The people here are great and my companions are great too :) I love this gospel and am so excited to meet new people to bring to Christ :) I love you all and miss you all lots!!!! Almost 6 months!! Already!? Wow... well love you all and hope you have a great week!!!
Love Sister Ferguson
ps. one of the pics in the window is a window we found that morphed us. I could not stop laughing. It was hilarious. So yeah :) and one is Jacó and the baptism, sister Whitehead and sister Leite :)
Finally got around to making the cookies you sent. How do you like him? |
Saying Goodbye to my trainer. |
Got to see one of my favorites from the CTM Sister Whitehead. |
New area new member.
Me, Alvez, Jacó and Penni
My roomies and companion |
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