Monday, September 12, 2016

9/12/16 Londrina Fields Forever!!

Well, I made it to LONDRINA!!!! It's so pretty here!!! ​​Well, I had to say bye to my District which was probably one of the hardest things I have ever done. Miss them a lot. Anyways, so I got to Londrina and there was a bunch of Elders holding a sign, so that was really welcoming, I met ,my mission president, President Pereira, he's awesome. Then We had a little orientation thing and Almoço, then we met our new companheiras, which, mine is Sis. Leite. She's awesome and has so much patience. Then we kind of chilled at our apartment and I bawled my eyes out and then we went to bed, so that was the first day.
Second day we went proselytizing. It was really fun actually. I wasn't uderstanding anything that was being said, but it was fun to be able to see all the people and see Brasil. Then we had a service project. We painted and cleaned up this park. Its on youtube if you guys wanna see :) "Missão Brasil Londrina Projeto Mãos que Ajudam 2016". I'm in it quite a lot :) Then we went home and got all settled in. The toilets in our apartment do not flush very well so I have no idea how I can fulfill my "doody"... thought you guys wanted to know that, and our kitchen flooded. Someone left the faucet on and it flooded the kitchen, so that's cool. 
Umm... we walked literally across the whole city, probably  20 miles just in one day and we walk to that same neighborhood everyday, so I am gonna have some killer legs when I get back... just wait. 
There are two other Sisters in our apartment, Sister Barbosa and Sister Y. Santos. They're really cool. So story, so missionaries here say freak a lot. So when they say my name I think they're saying Freakuson, so I told them that and now they that's what they call me.... so fun... fits me though :P Ummm.... yeah. thats pretty much all that has happened. We had Almoço Sunday at this members house and the house looked like it was abandoned or incomplete, but nope, a whole family was living there. Brasil has some strange houses.... so yeah. I am enjoying it here, I can understand Portuguese a little more and I am getting the hang of conjugating past, present, and future... still a little hard, but its only been like 2 months in.
We talked to a lot of people and have a couple potential investigators, so well have to see where the Lord takes us :) Love you all and miss you so much!!!! 
-Sister Ferguson

Here is the link to the News report of the Service Project:

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