First off.. today is transfers. Presidente is organizing everything still and no one knows where they are going, nada........ So everyone is super nervous and our Zone Leaders are gonna call us if we are gonna leave later tonight. So yeah...... oh my oh my.......
But also this week, we left our haunted house (miracle) and moved over to the apartment of some other sisters in the zone and we have been sleeping there this week while we are waiting for our new house, which the presidente already bought, (miracle) they just need to finish a couple things and then we are gonna move there this week... or the new sisters cuz we dont know who is gonna stay..... OH MY!!!! Im so nervous......
But yeah.... we were with Sister Oliveira and Sister Stone. They are amazing (miracle) :) Sister Stone is training still and Oliveira is her trainer. They are hilarious. Also this week was Oliveiras Bday, she made 20 years!!!!!!! We got a cake and surprised her in the morning and had a festa and then later that night went to a members house in their ward and had a birthday dinner with them (miracle) :) Had hot and spicy barbeque ribs (BIG miracle)... man was it good. First time in 13 months that ive eaten BBQ. So good.
And well... also this week we baptized a little girl!!!! (The best Miracle!!!) Dont know if you guys remember Raissa, but she was baptized yesterday and her sister came to church with her (Miracle cuz she doesnt like to leave he mom) :) Her mom said she was gonna go, but we didnt know why she didnt come, but she was happy either way. It was great :)
We also had an experience with Rian. So he has been hiding from us this whole week. We go to his house, which by the way, he lives on the other side of the city, and hes not htere or he is and tells his mom to say that he wasnt...... so we tried calling him, but he never picked up, nada, but then we used a members phone and were able to talk to him (miracle) :) We asked him if he wanted to be baptized still, cuz we marked his baptism for saturday. He said he does, but not now, but he didnt explain why... but yesterday at church... he didnt come, neither did his friend Alex. We went over to his house with our District leader and a member during church to talk to him. He was home.. (MIRACLE) Then we tried talking to him and he said that he was scared because he thought that he had to change everything he is doing right now and be perfect. We explained how its not like that at all... and we asked him if he wanted to be baptized still... he said yes... but was still hesitant to go to church. But then the member who brought us talked to him and he then finally decided to go to church to see Raissa's baptism. (miracle)
We went there, asked him if he wants to be baptized, but he still said no.... dont know why still, he wont tell us and he is a little embarrassed to talk to us... but yeah..... We are gonna work with him still.... if were gonna stay here....... OH MY!!!
Full of miracles this week, it was frustrating, but it was all worth it. We now know what Rians needs are to progress and we have a pesquisadora progressing :) O Senhor is always there to help... just need to ask, which.... pretty sure half of the things that left my mouth this week was a prayer..... so just gotta do our part and he will do the rest :)
But yeah. That was this week. There were some other things that happened, like Gabriella and Nayara... we arent teaching them anymore. We walked from 3 places in the area, that are suuuuuuuper far from another in an hour this week, trying to confirm if some people are gonna go to an activity that we had saturday... which only one person went (mircale) Soriah is her name..... of our pesquisadores, and i am gettin old on the mission. Im literally feeling it in my bones :P Lets just say that i walk like i just got off riding on a horse XD Its kinda funny XD XD
But yeah... well... thats basically it, we found a place for the kittens!!!! We are soo happy, a member finally accepted to take them all :) What a miracle!

Well, i love you all and i hope you all have a great week and keep smiling :) Try to think of the little miracles that happen in your lives and if you want one to happen... do everything you can and then the Lord will do the rest. D&C 4:2 Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.
Love you all and Have a great week :)
Com amor,
Sister Ferguson
-the family that we had a birthday dinner with
-Raissa and her baptism, whish she was baptized by the Bishop here
-Sisters Stone and Oliveira with us
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