Man, well this week was pretty fanstastic :)
So, first off the meninas were confirmed yesterday during church and Ellen´s mom, Tatiana, came :) She loved church :) Everyone was talking to her and she loved the messages that were shared, literally everything :) She said she would return if she was staying here... so news is.... Ellen is moving to another city this week :( She is going to be missed so much here... there is a branch over where they are gonna move, but we are gonna miss them so much. Maria and Dayane are staying here though :) So thats great :) But I am so thankful for this time that I got to know them, I´m gonna continue talking to them after the mission, but Im sad to see them leave Cidade Nova.
Anyways, so this week we worked a lot with the girls and also with Adelino. We are going to see him
tomorrow night and we are gonna ask him to be baptized :) He is already super excited about the gospel so we are going to explain to him how he can embrace this excitement and learn even more :)
We also met some new poeple that love us :) And we love them :) Maria and Joaquin. They are friends with a member here, but they havent talked to her for a looong time. We are gonna see them tomorrow too and talk to them a little more. They are so great and will be great members too :)
And also Maria´s Dad and Mom talked to us about some things that they read on the internet when they searched for more info about hte church. But of course they didnt go to the church website, but to the places tha tlie and say everything wrong... so they told us about what they read and then we explained whats actually true and then they began to be interested again and wanted to learn more, they said that they will come to church next suday, so we are both very excited :)
Mother`s Day was great by the way :) I loved seeing my family and seeing how happy they are :) Truly the gospel blesses families :) I hope you all had a great Mother´s Day too and thought about your Mommy´s and families :)
I dont have much to say other than I am just really happy and excited to make 10 MONTHS!!!!! Wow.... Time is literally flying :P :)
Well, sorry I dont have much to say, but I love you all and I hope that you all have a great week :)
I lov eyou all and I hope that you remember how many blessings you have and how much your Heavenly Fahter loves you and how much I love you too :) andI love you all sooooo much :)
Have a great week and I will talk to you all next week. ALso, sorry, I dont have any pics this week....... I will make sure to take some this week ok :)
Love, Sister Ferguson

Attached Phone was received via Facebook Messenger from Ellen Oliveira